Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hubs Day.

Today I decided to post about my wonderful Husband.

We got married on August 20th 2011, and we've been together since January 11th 2008.  He is really my favorite person and probably not for all the reasons you'd assume (although those do of course play a huge part he's he's gorgeous, smart,  etc.) 

But it's the things he does that just make him my other half.. he's happy all the time, and if he's not happy he very rarely takes it out on me. I mean, I'm the most emotional person I know, so when I am upset or mad at the world, I am just that mad at the world. If there's something going on and he thinks he's not going to be himself, he will let me know. I appreciate that about him so much, I've spent the last 4 years trying to figure out how he does it and I still don't know.

He is funny. Like really really funny. Sometimes he will say something and I just look at him like "where did you come up with that?!" inbetween laughing so hard I can't breathe and I sound like I'm 95 years old gasping for breath.  His wit just amazes me. I love it.

He is one of the smartest people I know, seriously. This man can take apart a laptop and put it back together without hesitation.  I don't know how he does it, but somehow he makes it work.

This man has the most ambition I've ever seen. When he tells me something will happen, I never doubt him. I know he will make it happen. 

He just laughs and smiles at me when I decide to make crazy faces or do silly things such as this:

I have about a million other things about him that I absolutely adore, but these are some of the things that just made me fall in love with him.  So, Husband if you read this, I adore you :-)

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